A peek at the new patio and drainage solution and
our very scientific method for visualizing a new fire table
Hello hello! Before sharing the moodboard for the pool/new patio, I explained the whole drainage situation that led to its inception – you can see before pics there. This was previously a sunken in patio with less of the same stone, and a low point in the yard that pooled in even light rain and contributed to water in our crawlspace.
Here’s a quick update (I know, a novel departure from my verbose nature).
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Above, you can see the transition step from the patio down to the concrete stoop that had to be redone after a miscommunication among the crew. The patio sat with random chairs on it for a couple of months before we decided what to do with it.
Once we decided to go with a fire table, we moved quickly. Mostly because of a deal expiration warning on Costco’s website. I had already spotted a pretty selection of aluminum propane fire tablespoon their site. I trust their quality control and return policies, so it was an easy starting point and I happened to really like a few of them. Easy.
There was 36″ and 52″ round tables, and a 44″ square table. We decided to go with a round table to minimize sharp edges to navigate and maximize the number of people that could enjoy it.
You can also see above the bent, partially inflated raft race/battle log (it comes as a pair, each with paddles) that we bent as needed to visualize the various widths of the available fire tables. I thought for sure we’d have to go with a 36″, but we really wanted a larger one that more people could gather around. So I set out to measure on the morning my husband set up our new solar cover reel – a major improvement in both form and function over our old broken plastic reel.

Here’s the promo shot of the fire table I liked the design of most – of course it was the biggest:

The patio is settling more unevenly than expected with the high water table – see the Belgian block? We’re in talks with Mr. Landscaper to see what needs to be done to preserve its function, and finish up some of the parts that were filled in a bit haphazardly after they had to redo the stone layout for the step transition.

We paused for a monarch caterpillar distraction:

It’s about in the middle of the picture on a leaf, did you spot it? We generously plucked the little guy (gal?) from the threshold of the French doors and returned him to his shady milkweed respite. Then I did some research later and learned they often hatch in the milkweed and high tail it out of there for a more private destination to weave their chrysalis.
I always try to measure in 3D for furniture. It’s too difficult for me to get a sense of volume without doing so. Pool floats were a handy solution here. In it’s sharpest bend above, the log measured 36″. Below, after mocking up with the swan and log, we taped out the perimeter of the largest size: 52″.

Side bar: I learned this year Birkenstock makes PVA flip flops with their signature arch support. I bought these this year to look more presentable than I do in my chronically filthy white PVA Arizonas which I will never give up for drive thrus and putzing around the yard because they’re so comfortable.

And we of course rounded it out with the swan/log setup to make it more realistic. To get the full sense of volume and height, we stacked our second swan float on top. Then we proceeded to leave it there for the day so that we could get a feel for how it felt to live with.
Not too shabby, eh? With the chairs in a more realistic position – they’re set back for the sake of measuring it out in the photo, but when scooted toward the table it didn’t feel too crowded at all. With the base of table being a smaller diameter than the top, we figured it would be less imposing and difficult to navigate around as well.

So we decided to go for it, and despite our measurements, were pleasantly surprised by the height of it. We thought it might be too high – it seemed as though a fire table should be lower like a small bonfire. It turns out our chairs sit at the right level for it to be a low, cozy outdoor poolside dining/lounge space.

No regrets. S’mores, here we come!
C’est tout,