Happy Friday! In lieu of my normal Friday updates and links, I’m sharing an overdue update on our master bedroom. I hope you and yours are safe and sound out there. We didn’t do much this past week, except introduce the kids to Where’s Waldo and assure them we were safe despite the whirling winds of the hurricane that passed through, especially since they were traumatized from the tree loss of the derecho in June. No tornado warnings or power outages for us this time, but the immediate surrounding areas were definitely hit – we were really lucky, and thankful for it! Oh, and in case you missed it, last Friday I launched my new pillow and accessories shop!
Remember back in April when I shared my plans for our little vignette hiding our elliptical in our master bedroom? No? I’m not sure what else is happening in the world that may have put this pressing dilemma out of your mind, but I suppose I can forgive you.
It’s taken this long (what, 3 months?) to finally get the situation updated and more styled. This’ll be short and sweet, there’s nothing major happening here, but it’s always good to see the impact quick textile and wall art changes can make in a space.
Here’s where we left off last time, with my thrifted coromandel screen set behind two chairs, to the right of the door into the bedroom. I had just quickly grabbed a basket from our closet for pillows, and a little stack of hat boxes to style the screen hiding our full-sized elliptical, with just enough space to waddle on to it for a workout. It was a good start, but sparse and a little bit like a showroom instead of cozy.
In May, I shopped our house and found the moroccan throw rug in our TV room, and the old nude charcoal sketches in the abyss of our guest room storage, but I didn’t actually mat and frame the charcoals until June.
Here’s what it looks like now:
There’s a crazy glare on the sketches (hello, bedside table lamp!), but you can see them better in some shots further down. I finally realized a remnant of my ikat polka dot in indigo would be the perfect hit of pattern to add some interest to offset the draw of the coromandel screen, and whipped up a pillow to add in front of the seersucker striped pillows.
Here’s the view from the other side, coming back from the bathroom, where the elliptical is most revealed as you pass by. This is definitely the weakest view, and it still needs some artwork to the right of the screen – it’s just clicking as I’m writing this, I have a couple smaller, dark wood frames that could work over there.
So, that’s where it’s at. I hope you’re able to relax and have a lovely weekend. Stay safe out there.